
2023-09-05 09:39:31 作者:到頭來只是夢一場

我发现这么多的样本请求REST API,但所有一起是混乱的,可有人请解释我的方式来使用HTTP请求。​​

I found so many samples for requesting a REST API, but all together are confusing, can some one please explain me a way to use http requests.

我的要求是,我想通过提供用户名,PWD和一键从一个REST API的数据。

My Requirement is, I want to get data from a REST API by providing username, pwd and a key.


        HttpClient client = new DefaultHttpClient();  
        HttpPost post = new HttpPost("REST API url"); 
        post.setHeader("Content-type", "application/json");

        JSONObject obj = new JSONObject();
        obj.put("username", "un");
        obj.put("pwd", "password");

        post.setEntity(new StringEntity(obj.toString(), "UTF-8"));
        HttpResponse response = client.execute(post);


But the response is always null and these working fine when tested with browser tool by posting the same data.Is some thing wrong with my approach? please suggest me the correct way. Thank you


(1)谷歌I / o视频会议发展的REST客户端


(2) search in android developer blog


后请尽量发布您的问题, 我可以从我的REST客户端共享code段开发了基于(1)及(2)

Please try after that post your question, I can share code snippet from my rest client developed based on (1) & (2)


Do not use Cloud to Device Messaging, instead use the latest cloud approach with andrid application development.


There is new library called Volley, which looks better than AsyncTask. It should be useful in developing RESTful clients.