
2023-09-05 09:34:18 作者:花开半夏锁流年


i have this android application that requires to load data from a remote server via the internet. this update-functionaliy obviously requires the device to not only be connected to some kind of network, but also to the internet.


so: is want to schedule the update-service to some date and when it starts, it should determine whether it actually CAN reach the target server or not. therefore, a simple "is the device connected to wifi?" does not suffice, as the device may be connected to a wireless network that does not offer internet access. something like a PING is required...


whats the easiest / best way to determine, if there is an internet connection is available i.e. server is reachable?



Take a look at this answer here on StackOverflow. It should be just what you are looking for.