听Android的日历变化。 (同步/删除/插入等。)日历、Android

2023-09-05 09:08:24 作者:微笑、不失礼

我已经明白,我必须使用内容提供商来让所有的变化,但我也意识到启动 API14 有一个现成的内容提供商的,我可以用它来听,而不是建设自己的自定义的日历。 是否有任何地方,我可以看到这样的例子? 有人可以请张贴这个监听器的核心是什么?

I've understand I have to use Content Provider to get all changes, but I also realized starting API14 there is a ready Content Provider for the calendar which I can use to listen to instead of "building" my own custom one. Is there anywhere I can see an example of this ? Can someone please post the core of this listener ?




First you need to add this type of receiver to the Manifest:

    <receiver android:name="your.package.name.CatchChangesReceiver"
        android:priority="1000" >
            <action android:name="android.intent.action.PROVIDER_CHANGED" />
            <data android:scheme="content" />
            <data android:host="com.android.calendar" />


Then create a simple class which extends broadcast receiver:

public class CatchChangesReceiver extends BroadcastReceiver {

    public void onReceive(Context context, Intent intent) {
    // add processing here with some query to content provider
        // in my project I use this selection for getting events:
         final String SELECTION = CalendarContract.Events.CALENDAR_ID + "="
            + calendarId + " AND " + "("
            + CalendarContract.Events.DIRTY + "=" + 1 + " OR "
            + CalendarContract.Events.DELETED + "=" + 1 + ")" + " AND "
            + CalendarContract.Events.DTEND + " > "
            + Calendar.getInstance().getTimeInMillis();