
2023-09-05 08:51:43 作者:烟碎雨落花甽醉


I have implemented a test app with Android's In-App Billing. I have filled in my Public Key in the file. Everything works, but when I submit the payment, the app crashes. I receive an error in LogCat that says "Signature Verification Failed", which corresponds to this bit of code:

if (!sig.verify(Base64.decode(signature))) {
                Log.e(TAG, "Signature verification failed.");
                return false;

如果我改变该位返回,而不是返回假假真真,然后一切工作正常 - 我可以提交付款并安全返回到应用程序 - 但我假设别的东西是错误的,因为我也许应该改变,要返回真的。

If I change that bit to return true instead of return false, then everything works properly - I can submit payment and safely return to the app - but I am assuming that something else is wrong, since I probably should change that to return true.


Any ideas about what could be causing this?



That signature verification error can be caused by:


1.- A wrong public key. Maybe you've forgotten to copy some character. It happens :)

2: 的apk文件必须签名 。你不能使用debug.keystore,如果你做你的签名字符串将是空的。

2.- The .apk must be signed. You can't use the debug.keystore, if you do your signature string will be empty.


And remember, for testing In-app billing:

加入Android Market的公钥来字符串base64En codedPublicKey =在这里你的公钥


Build in release mode and sign it (If you are using Eclipse, you can use the Export Wizard).


Upload the release version to Android Market, do not publish it, and create the product list.

应用程序安装到您的设备(ADB -d安装myapp.apk),并测试帐户的主设备上。

Install the application onto your device ( adb -d install myapp.apk ) and make a test account primary on your device.