
2023-09-05 08:37:12 作者:宿命弄人ㄨ


Is there a way to issue a voice command something like:

确定GOOGLE ASK XXX一些应用程序的具体问题或Command

OK GOOGLE ASK XXX Some App Specific Question or Command


And have it launch "APP" with the recognized text: "Some App Specific Question or Command"


My app has speech recognition as a service ... but when using my APP I can't ask questions that OK Google can handle ...


通过语音操作API ,您的应用程序可以注册系统操作中,其中一个是搜索(这样你就可以做上搜索APP有些问题或指令)。

Through the Voice Actions API, your app can register for system actions, one of which is 'search' (so you could do 'search for Some Question or command on APP').


However, if none of the system actions work, you can also submit a custom voice action request. Upon approval, users could do a specific action with your app via voice.