
2023-09-05 08:25:48 作者:〓俄只是太想妳


i want to create .apk file from command prompt. for this i follow this link


and try to complete it with ant..but it is giving me error.

的taskdef类   com.android.ant.setuptask不能   发现

taskdef class com.android.ant.setuptask cannot be found


can any one please help me what mistake i am doing or provide me a step by step tutorial for this.



您需要传递sdk.dir成蚁,即蚂蚁-Dsdk.dir =<路径的Andr​​oid SDK>

You need to pass sdk.dir into ant, i.e. ant -Dsdk.dir=<path to Android SDK>


You'll also need to specify one of the seven or so Android build targets because the default build target is 'help'.

如果你只是执行蚂蚁-Dsdk.dir =&LT;路径的Andr​​oid SDK&GT; ,你会得到一些帮助输出,就像这样:

If you just run ant -Dsdk.dir=<path to Android SDK>, you'll get some help output, like so:

 [echo] Android Ant Build. Available targets:
 [echo]    help:      Displays this help.
 [echo]    clean:     Removes output files created by other targets.
 [echo]    compile:   Compiles project's .java files into .class files.
 [echo]    debug:     Builds the application and signs it with a debug key.
 [echo]    release:   Builds the application. The generated apk file must be

 [echo]               signed before it is published.
 [echo]    install:   Installs/reinstalls the debug package onto a running
 [echo]               emulator or device.
 [echo]               If the application was previously installed, the
 [echo]               signatures must match.
 [echo]    uninstall: Uninstalls the application from a running emulator or
 [echo]               device.

Total time: 7 seconds 


To build the APK, you have to specify debug or release.

蚂蚁-Dsdk.dir =&LT;路径的Andr​​oid SDK&GT;调试