谷歌地图Android的API V2 - MarkerOptions拖动和可见的方法拖动、地图、方法、Android

2023-09-05 08:06:27 作者:走死在岁月里

我在和新的谷歌地图的Andr​​oid API(V2)本月初公布,我很高兴地看到一个 MarkerOptions.draggable(布尔拖动)方法,我想在传递时,将创建一个可拖动的标记的拖动 true值。然而,在尝试它(即增加一个标记为这样的图),它似乎并没有做任何事情。

I'm playing with the new Google Maps Android API (v2) released earlier this month and I was delighted to see a MarkerOptions.draggable(boolean draggable) method which I thought would create a draggable marker when passing in a draggable value of true. However, on trying it (i.e. adding a marker as such to the map), it doesn't seem to do anything.


The MarkerOptions.visible(boolean visible) method too, which I thought would hide the marker from view when passing in a visible value of false.


Anyone been able to get these methods to work?




The draggable method should work. Look at the provided Sample project. Maybe the drag starts after a longpress, like in the Sample project?

    // Creates a draggable marker. Long press to drag.
    mMelbourne = mMap.addMarker(new MarkerOptions()
            .snippet("Population: 4,137,400")