
2023-09-05 07:44:22 作者:解释不如不解释。

我拿到Android手机的分辨率..? 如果是的话那么如何..? 它会替我真正有用的.. 谢谢。

Can i get resolution of android phone..? if yes then how..? it will really helpful for me.. Thank you..



If you want the display dimensions in pixels you can use getSize:

Display display = getWindowManager().getDefaultDisplay();
Point size = new Point();
int width = size.x;
int height = size.y;

该方法被引入Android的API 13,所以如果你想获得previous的API显示的指标是:

This method was introduced in Android API 13, so if you want to get display metrics for previous APIs use:

DisplayMetrics displaymetrics = new DisplayMetrics();
int height = displaymetrics.heightPixels;
int wwidth = displaymetrics.widthPixels;

如果你不是一个活动,你可以通过 WINDOW_SERVICE 默认显示。此外,一定要你的minSdkVersion设置为至少4在AndroidManifest.xml中,使调用display.getWidth()。

If you're not in an Activity, you can get the default Display via WINDOW_SERVICE. Also be sure to set your minSdkVersion to at least 4 in AndroidManifest.xml to enable calls to display.getWidth().

WindowManager wm = (WindowManager) ctx.getSystemService(Context.WINDOW_SERVICE);
Display display = wm.getDefaultDisplay();
int width = display.getWidth();  // deprecated
int height = display.getHeight();  // deprecated



Use the following to figure out the display size in pixels

 function getDeviceDimention() {
        console.log("Device Dimention using PhoneGap");
        console.log("Width = " + window.innerWidth);
        console.log("Height = " + window.innerHeight);