
2023-09-05 07:32:39 作者:獨來獨往





            机器人:topLeftRadius =5DP
            机器人:topRightRadius =5DP/>
    < /形状>
< /项目>


            机器人:bottomLeftRadius =5DP
            机器人:bottomRightRadius =5DP/>
    < /形状>
< /项目>

< /层列表>


我目前尝试创建相同的提拉已经产生了无非两个矩形与一个在另一个的顶部上。我无法弄清楚如何设置矩形的位置。我看不出有什么明显的变化,无论什么样的形状的边界被设置为。任何建议,将不胜AP preciated。


私人最终诠释topColorUnselected = Color.RED;
私人最终诠释bottomColorUnselected = Color.GREEN;
私人最终诠释topColorSelected = Color.YELLOW;
私人最终诠释bottomColorSelected = Color.BLUE;

私人最终诠释m_nZERO_RADIUS = 0;

        addState(新INT [] {-​​android.R.attr.state_ pressed},createListWithSelectedState(假,topRadius,bottomRadius));
        addState(新INT [] {android.R.attr.state_ pressed},createListWithSelectedState(真,topRadius,bottomRadius));


        INT TC2模型,bottomColor;

            TC2模型= topColorSelected;
            bottomColor = bottomColorSelected;
        }其他 {
            TC2模型= topColorUnselected;
            bottomColor = bottomColorUnselected;

        INT X = 10;
        诠释Y = 10;
        INT宽度= 20;
        INT高= 20;

        RoundRectShape _rrsTopShape =新RoundRectShape(getRadii(topRadius,m_nZERO_RADIUS),NULL,NULL);
        CustomShapeDrawable _csdTopShape =新CustomShapeDrawable(_rrsTopShape,TC2模型);

        RoundRectShape _rrsBottomShape =新RoundRectShape(getRadii(m_nZERO_RADIUS,bottomRadius),NULL,NULL);
        CustomShapeDrawable _csdBottomShape =新CustomShapeDrawable(_rrsBottomShape,bottomColor);
        _csdBottomShape.setBounds(X,Y,X +宽度,Y +高度);

        返回新LayerDrawable(新绘制对象[] {_csdTopShape,_csdBottomShape});

    私人浮法[] getRadii(浮顶,浮底)
        返回新浮法[] {顶,顶,//

    类CustomShapeDrawable扩展ShapeDrawable {

            fillpaint =新的油漆(this.getPaint());


解决方案 求教PS高手,这个效果怎么做

您正在寻找 LayerDrawable 的setLayerInset为了能够设置上述的另一个矩形。



 浮法半径= 5.0F;

浮[] m_arrfTopHalfOuterRadii =新的浮动[] {半径,半径,半径,半径,0,0,0,0};
浮[] m_arrfBottomHalfOuterRadii =新的浮动[] {0,0,0,0,半径,半径,半径,半径};

INT m_nTopColor = Color.BLUE;
INT m_nBottomColor = Color.CYAN;

INT m_nCellHeight = 40;

    RoundRectShape top_round_rect =新RoundRectShape(m_arrfTopHalfOuterRadii,NULL,NULL);
    ShapeDrawable top_shape_drawable =新ShapeDrawable(top_round_rect);

    RoundRectShape bottom_round_rect =新RoundRectShape(m_arrfBottomHalfOuterRadii,NULL,NULL);
    ShapeDrawable bottom_shape_drawable =新ShapeDrawable(bottom_round_rect);

    绘制对象[] drawarray = {top_shape_drawable,bottom_shape_drawable};
    LayerDrawable layerdrawable =新LayerDrawable(drawarray);

    INT _nHalfOfCellHeight = m_nCellHeight / 2;
    layerdrawable.setLayerInset(0,0,0,0,_nHalfOfCellHeight); //上半
    layerdrawable.setLayerInset(1,0,_nHalfOfCellHeight,0,0); //下半区


I am currently trying to convert the following XML to be created programmatically so that I can set the top corners and bottom corners as needed throughout my project. It is a simple Layer list that has two rectangles; one on top of another. I would like to use this as a background for a few different views so it is important that the result scales.

<layer-list xmlns:android="http://schemas.android.com/apk/res/android" >

<item android:bottom="20dp">
    <shape android:shape="rectangle" >
        <size android:height="20dp" />

        <solid android:color="#969595" />

            android:radius = "0dp"
            android:topRightRadius="5dp" />
<item android:top="20dp">
    <shape android:shape="rectangle" >
        <size android:height="20dp" />

        <solid android:color="#7B7979" />

            android:radius = "0dp"
            android:bottomRightRadius="5dp" />


This approach does work but I need a separate XML for each shape depending upon whether I want the top, bottom, both, or none of the corners rounded.

my current attempts at creating the same drawable have yielded nothing more than two rectangles with one on top of the other. I could not figure out how to set the positions of the rectangles. I could see no visible change regardless of what the bounds of the shape were set to. Any suggestions would be greatly appreciated.

setBackgroundDrawable( new DualColorStateDrawable(0, 10f));

private final int topColorUnselected = Color.RED;
private final int bottomColorUnselected = Color.GREEN;
private final int topColorSelected = Color.YELLOW;
private final int bottomColorSelected = Color.BLUE;

private final int m_nZERO_RADIUS = 0;

class DualColorStateDrawable extends StateListDrawable
    public NYWTableViewCellStateDrawable (float topRadius, float bottomRadius){
        addState(new int[] { -android.R.attr.state_pressed }, createListWithSelectedState(false, topRadius, bottomRadius));
        addState(new int[] { android.R.attr.state_pressed }, createListWithSelectedState(true, topRadius, bottomRadius));   

    public Drawable createListWithSelectedState(boolean isSelected, float topRadius, float bottomRadius){

        int topColor, bottomColor;

            topColor = topColorSelected;
            bottomColor = bottomColorSelected;
        }else {
            topColor = topColorUnselected;
            bottomColor = bottomColorUnselected;

        int x = 10;
        int y = 10;
        int width = 20;
        int height = 20;

        RoundRectShape _rrsTopShape = new RoundRectShape(getRadii(topRadius, m_nZERO_RADIUS), null, null);
        CustomShapeDrawable _csdTopShape = new CustomShapeDrawable(_rrsTopShape, topColor);

        RoundRectShape _rrsBottomShape = new RoundRectShape(getRadii(m_nZERO_RADIUS, bottomRadius), null, null);
        CustomShapeDrawable _csdBottomShape = new CustomShapeDrawable(_rrsBottomShape, bottomColor);
        _csdBottomShape.setBounds(x, y, x + width, y + height);

        return new LayerDrawable (new Drawable[] {_csdTopShape, _csdBottomShape});

    private float[] getRadii(float top, float bottom) 
        return new float[] { top, top, //
                top, top, //
                bottom, bottom, //
                bottom, bottom //

    class CustomShapeDrawable extends ShapeDrawable {
        private final Paint fillpaint;

        public CustomShapeDrawable(Shape s, int fill) {
            fillpaint = new Paint(this.getPaint());

        protected void onDraw(Shape shape, Canvas canvas, Paint paint) {
            shape.draw(canvas, fillpaint);


You're looking for LayerDrawable's setLayerInset in order to be able to set one rectangle above the other.

See below:

float radius = 5.0f;

float[] m_arrfTopHalfOuterRadii = new float[] {radius, radius, radius, radius, 0, 0, 0, 0};
float[] m_arrfBottomHalfOuterRadii = new float[] {0, 0, 0, 0, radius, radius, radius, radius};

int m_nTopColor = Color.BLUE;
int m_nBottomColor = Color.CYAN;

int m_nCellHeight = 40;

public Drawable drawbg()
    RoundRectShape top_round_rect = new RoundRectShape(m_arrfTopHalfOuterRadii, null, null);
    ShapeDrawable top_shape_drawable = new ShapeDrawable(top_round_rect);

    RoundRectShape bottom_round_rect = new RoundRectShape(m_arrfBottomHalfOuterRadii, null, null);
    ShapeDrawable bottom_shape_drawable = new ShapeDrawable(bottom_round_rect);

    Drawable[] drawarray = {top_shape_drawable, bottom_shape_drawable};
    LayerDrawable layerdrawable = new LayerDrawable(drawarray);

    int _nHalfOfCellHeight = m_nCellHeight/2; 
    layerdrawable.setLayerInset(0, 0, 0, 0, _nHalfOfCellHeight); //top half
    layerdrawable.setLayerInset(1, 0, _nHalfOfCellHeight, 0, 0); //bottom half

    return layerdrawable;