
2023-09-05 07:03:26 作者:ElevEn·男囚

编辑字符串在XML中,我需要添加换行符的时候。我想问问编程为Android时,什么是正确的形式?因为< BR> 的作品,但ECLIPSE标志着该地区的问题。如果我退房建议Eclipse的告诉我,我将添加一个结束标记< / BR> - 如果我补充一点,换行符自败...

when editing a String in XML I need to add line breaks. And I wanted to ask what is the RIGHT form when programming for android? Because <br> works but ECLIPSE marks the area as problematic. If I check out suggestions Eclipse tells me that I shall add a end tag </br> - IF I add that the line break dissapears...


So the one works but is marked as problematic, the other works not but Eclipse tells me its ok..



使用作为换行符和 \ t 如果要插入一个标签。

Use \n for a line break and \t if you want to insert a tab.

您也可以使用一些XML标签的基本格式:&LT; B&GT; 粗体文字,&LT; I&GT; 表示斜体,和&LT; U&GT; 为带下划线的文本

You can also use some XML tags for basic formatting: <b> for bold text, <i> for italics, and <u> for underlined text.

其他格式化选项显示这篇文章在Android开发者网站: http://developer.android.com/intl/de/guide/topics/resources/string-resource.html

Other formatting options are shown in this article on the Android Developers' site: http://developer.android.com/intl/de/guide/topics/resources/string-resource.html