Android的NDK - OpenGL ES的教程/库教程、NDK、Android、ES

2023-09-05 06:27:11 作者:披起头发是娇弱

嘿!林寻找一个OpenGL库/框架来处理基本的绘图code等我。否则,IM也在寻找一些NDK和OpenGL ES教程,我似乎无法找到任何有!

Hey! Im looking for an OpenGL library/framework to handle basic drawing code etc for me. Otherwise im also looking for some NDK and OpenGL ES tutorials, I cant seem to find anything out there!


Any information would be helpful cheers.



如果您已经从Android的网站下载的NDK,你必须有一些样品code: 对于如:,当你解压NDK,您在这里有一个例子: Android的NDK-R4B-WINDOWS \ Android的NDK-R4B \样本\ SAN-洛杉矶

If you have downloaded the NDK from Android site, you must have some sample code: For eg:, when you unzipped the NDK, you have a sample here: android-ndk-r4b-windows\android-ndk-r4b\samples\san-angeles

这对OpenGL ES的一个很好的例子。

That's a great example for OpenGL ES.