
2023-09-05 06:08:51 作者:男人不帅但要够爷们




您可以在这里找到更多的相关信息:如何修复悬挂用户操作是等待建设工作区 在eclipse

As the title mentioned, I have developed a simple NFC app in eclipse and I am trying to run it in the mobile device to debug my code. However, when I try to run it, this message came out, the problem even cannot launch. It said one operation left, but it seems like it has stopped. Have anyone met the similar problem before, or anyone know what is happening here?

成效卓著 实名制管理系统为建筑工人保驾护航


I had exactly the same problem. For me helped adding '-clean' option at the first line of eclipse.ini file and restarting IDE. After adding this option eclipse clean all cached data in workspace each time it is started (that also mean it will be starting slower).

You can find more information about it here: How to repair hanging 'User Operation is waiting for "Building Workspace"' in eclipse