
2023-09-05 05:49:31 作者:青衫故人


When i am trying to import a project to my workspace it shows an error

[2013年3月17日16时14分15秒 - 无法启动cygpath。 Cygwin的是在   ?路径]产生java.io.IOException:不能运行程序cygpath:   CreateProcess的错误= 2,系统找不到指定文件

[2013-03-17 16:14:15 - Unable to launch cygpath. Is Cygwin on the path?] java.io.IOException: Cannot run program "cygpath": CreateProcess error=2, The system cannot find the file specified


this project contains jni libraries,it is a ndk based project.why this error happen i cant import this project to my system.


去你的项目右键单击there.then需要的属性,然后选择C / C ++构建和那里你可以看到在构建设置生成设置。而给NDK的系统一样的路径:

go to your project right click there.then take properties and select the c/c++ build and there you can see the build settings .and in the build settings give the path of ndk in your system like:

D:\android\android-ndk-r8d\ndk-build.cmd NDK_DEBUG=1


Now clean your project and run. Thats it.