
2023-09-05 05:31:30 作者:杯酒醉


i kind of feel stupid, but i just can't get it to work....


I have an existing Android project copied from my other pc, in the folder


(我创建的其他电脑该项目,并将其复制到我的新电脑和其他电脑是送人) 现在我想在Eclipse中打开该项目。 所以我觉得我什么都试过,但我似乎无法得到它的工作...

(I created that project on the other pc, copied it to my new pc and the other pc is given away) Now i want to open the project in Eclipse. So i THINK i tried everything, but i can't seem to get it to work...


I looked for something like 'open project', but didn't find it.


Then i tried 'import', but that wouldn't let me import it because it was the same workspace ( i use the same filelocations and workspace location as on the other pc)


Then i tried creating a new workspace and import it there. Then it complained about have no project, that i first had to create one. So i did create a dummy one in the new workspace, imported the project, and it copied everything to the new workspace, and placed it below the dummy project.


I am SO stuck, can you help me?

顺便说一句,这是我使用的Eclipse: 是Eclipse SDK 版本:4.2.0 建立ID:I20120608-1400

Btw, this is the Eclipse i'm using: Eclipse SDK Version: 4.2.0 Build id: I20120608-1400


尝试文件> > 项目... > Android项目在现有code 。 不要你的项目从电脑复制到工作区中,在其他地方复制它,让月食将其复制到工作区通过上面菜单和检查复制现有工作空间命令

Try File > New > Project... > Android Project From Existing Code. Don't copy your project from pc into workspace, copy it elsewhere and let the eclipse copy it into workspace by menu commands above and checking copy in existing workspace.