
2023-09-05 05:22:51 作者:昨梦失我心,

忘了截图,它是更多钞票来捕获的Andr​​oid运行的应用程序的视频? 扎根或无根,我不在乎,我要ATLEAST 15fps的。

Forget screenshots, is it posible to capture a video of the running application in android? Rooted or non-rooted, I don't care, I want atleast 15fps.

更新:我不希望任何外部硬件。这样做的目的是让完美的便携式和每一帧的是Android OS内抓获。如果它与应用程序的SDK的界限,我愿意去OS级的修改,但我需要一个起点。

Update: I don't want any external hardware. The intent is to make it perfectly portable and every frame is captured within Android OS. If it crosses the boundaries of the app sdk, I'm willing to go to OS level modifications but I would need a starting point.


新:Android 4.4系统(奇巧)的外壳实用程序,用于记录的Andr​​oid设备的屏幕。连接设备与亚行实用程序通过USB运行奇巧开发/调试模式,然后键入以下内容:

NEW: Android 4.4 (KitKat) has a shell utility for recording the Android device screen. Connect a device in developer/debug mode running KitKat with the adb utility over USB and then type the following:

adb shell screenrecord /sdcard/movie.mp4
(Press Ctrl-C to stop)
adb pull /sdcard/movie.mp4


Screen recording is limited to a maximum of 3 minutes.
