
2023-09-05 04:38:40 作者:哼出我们的小调调﹌


I have this content observer that is watching on the Call Log:

public class monitorCallLog extends ContentObserver{
    private static final String TAG = "monitorCallLog";
    public monitorCallLog(Handler handler) {
        // TODO Auto-generated constructor stub
    public boolean deliverSelfNotifications() { 
        return false; 
    public void onChange(boolean selfChange){
        Log.v(TAG, "[onChange] *** ENTER ***");
        // Code goes in here to handle the job of tracking....
        Log.v(TAG, "[onChange] *** LEAVE ***");

现在......我怎么能确定这个URI 含量变化的本质:// call_log /通话

Now... how can I determine the nature of the change on this URI content://call_log/calls?

我要检查,如果缺失发生上述URI的......但是没有办法知道......这似乎适用于查询/删除/插入/上表示URI触发更新的onChange 方法......

I want to check on it if a deletion has occurred on the said URI... but there is no way of knowing...this seems to apply on a query/delete/insert/update on said URI that triggers the onChange method....




Have you tried registering an observer for each of the call Uris?


i.e. if you have 5 calls in the call log, register a content observer for each call Uri, perhaps having the observer initialised with the id of the call being observed.


That way when an individual call is deleted/updated, the delete method of the content provider will send a notification matching the individual call, rather than all calls.


I think this is a non-standard approach for lists from a cursor. I believe most uses of content observation will requery() the cursor.