在Windows XP中重叠控件控件、Windows、XP

2023-09-05 04:31:00 作者:沵若要走ヽ我不挽留

我已经在Windows 7开发的Windows桌面应用程序在VS 2010中;当我安装了Windows XP中的应用程序,一些文本框和标签相互重叠。

I have developed a Windows Desktop Application in VS 2010 in Windows 7; when I installed that application in Windows XP, some of the textboxes and labels overlap one another.

总之,安装基于Windows 7到Windows XP的应用程序后,视觉设计过程中已经失败我和我的控制,现在重叠。

In short, after installing an application built on Windows 7 to Windows XP, the visual design process has failed me and my controls are now overlapped.


What can I look to resolve this?


听起来像是在两个操作系统的DPI设置不匹配。从内存的Windows 7有一个更高的默认设置为Windows XP。

Sounds like a mismatch in the DPI settings in the two operating systems. From memory Windows 7 has a higher default setting to Windows XP.


How to check, change the value in both versions:

的Windows 7 - DPI显示大小设置 - 更改



If you wish to cater for both defaults you will need to design your application to cope with the differences. Check out the the Control.Anchor and Control.Dock properties for details on how to ensure you controls size appropriately:

