
2023-09-05 03:36:36 作者:正在拼命的加载中……

你好我试图建立谷歌TV模拟器在我的Windows machine.I我能够安装GoogleTV的阿东即时拍摄的API级别13

Hi i am trying to set up google tv emulator in my windows machine.I am able to install googleTv Adon avilable in api level 13

但是,当我试图创建AVD它抛出一个errormessage的请安装intelx86。 但是,x86系统上的图像是不是即时拍摄的API 13。 谁能帮我请。

But when i am trying to create AVD it throws a errormessage Please install intelx86. But X86 System image is not avilable in api 13. Can anyone help me please.



The solution is to create avd with a command line.

android create avd -n GoogleTV -t 11

其中11是API ID。在你的系统,这将是不同的,然后让我的第一个问题一个comamnd

Where 11 is the api id. In your system this will be different then mine so first issue a comamnd

android list target


... ID:11或谷歌公司:谷歌电视插件:12 名称:谷歌电​​视插件 ......

... id: 11 or "Google Inc.:Google TV Addon:12" Name: Google TV Addon ....


For convenience on linux you can use

android list target | grep TV -B 2