
2023-09-05 03:32:26 作者:放肆的青春诠释了悲伤

我无法生成微软假货组件时说类库引用了PCL(便携式类库)下的Visual Studio 2013打靶的.Net 4.5和Silverlight 5。

类库(.NET 4.5)

这只能发生如果类库(.NET 4.5):

在声明一个类从派生型,可在System.dll中V4.0.0.0和v2.0.5.0 既可以找到 在声明其他类型从一个在PCL库,而这又源于在System.dll中v. 声明的类型声明派生

无论是.NET 4.5类库和PCL库编译就好了。不过,我有一个单元测试项目(同时.NET 4.5),这需要生成假货在.NET 4.5类库。试图生成假货失败,给了我下面的错误。

 错误:系统,版本=,文化=中性公钥= 7cec85d7bea7798e,重定目标=是组装Repro.dll未能正确加载无法解析组件。你是缺少程序集引用?






NuGet学习笔记 2 使用图形化界面打包自己的类库

然后创建一个.NET 4.5类库命名为摄制它引用了便携式类库,并声明如下两个接口。












   <参考路径=C:\ Program Files文件(x86)的\参考大会\微软\框架\ .NETPortable \ V4.0 \档案\ Profile158 \ System.dll中全名=系统,版本=,文化=中性公钥= 7cec85d7bea7798e/>
< /编译>


I am unable to generate the Microsoft Fakes assembly for a class library (.NET 4.5) when said class library references a PCL (Portable Class Library) targetting .Net 4.5 and Silverlight 5 under Visual Studio 2013.

This only occurs if the class library (.NET 4.5):

Declares a type deriving from a type which can both be found in System.dll v4.0.0.0 and v2.0.5.0 Declares another type deriving from one declared in the PCL library, which in turn derives from a type declared in System.dll v.

Both the .NET 4.5 class library and the PCL library compiles just fine. However I have a Unit Test project (also .NET 4.5) which needs to generate Fakes for the .NET 4.5 class library. Trying to generate the fakes fails and gives me the following error.

error : assembly Repro.dll failed to load properly Could not resolve assembly 'System, Version=, Culture=neutral, PublicKeyToken=7cec85d7bea7798e, Retargetable=Yes'. Are you missing an assembly reference?

Trying to add a reference to System.Dll v2.0.5.0 in my Unit Test project fails since a reference to the component 'System' v4.0.0.0 already exists in the project.

I also tried adding an App.Config to my Unit Test project and defining an assembly binding redirection for System.Dll, but it did not work. I suspect assembly binding redirection has zero effect on Fakes generation.

Reproducing the issue is easy.

Create a Portable Class Library named 'Repro.Portable' which has a single interface:

using System.ComponentModel; 

namespace Repro.Portable
   public interface IPortableEntity : INotifyPropertyChanged

Then create a .NET 4.5 Class Library named 'Repro' which references the Portable Class Library and declare the following two interfaces.

using Repro.Portable;

namespace Repro
  public interface ISpecializedEntity : IPortableEntity


using System.ComponentModel;

namespace Repro
  public interface IOtherInterface : INotifyPropertyChanged

Finally, create a Unit Test Project referencing both the Repro and Repro.Portable assemblies. Compiling at this point will succeed. However, trying to generate the Microsoft Fakes for the Repro assembly will fail.

As all of this seems like a pretty legitimate thing to do, I am left wondering if I ran into a bug in the Microsoft Fakes generator, or if a workaround exists.

Is there any way to make the Fakes generation work or am I stuck using a different Mocking framework when encountering this specific scenario ?


Microsoft provided a workaround for the bug.

To get past the issue, add an XML blob like below in your .fakes file.

   <Reference Path="C:\Program Files (x86)\Reference Assemblies\Microsoft\Framework\.NETPortable\v4.0\Profile\Profile158\System.dll" FullName="System, Version=, Culture=neutral, PublicKeyToken=7cec85d7bea7798e"/>

It does work when building locally, however I have yet to test if this is a viable workaround when using TFS online build server or not.