
2023-09-05 02:57:44 作者:做一个花心的骑士。


Per the new Android Material Design checklist:



Where appropriate, upon scrolling down, the app bar can scroll off the screen, leaving more vertical space for content. Upon scrolling back up, the app bar should be shown again.

我知道有很多问题/答案实现对ICS风格的应用程序栏这种行为,但我很好奇,如果新的工具栏插件或棒棒糖/ AppCompat 21已经推出实现这种效果的更标准的方式。

I realize there are lots of questions/answers to implement this behavior for the ICS-style app bar, but I'm curious if the new Toolbar widget or Lollipop/AppCompat 21 have introduced a more standard way of achieving this effect.



Per Roman Nurik on Google+ (essentially what @tyczj mentioned)

https://plus.google.com/u/0/+ RomanNurik /职位/ 3G8zYvN5oRC


It's not built in but relatively simple to implement. Just observe scrolling and animate the Y translation. Could also use the "quick return" sample +Nick Butcher​ and I published a few years ago

我认为引用了例子: https://开头code。 google.com/p/romannurik-$c$c/source/browse/misc/scrolltricks

I believe that example referenced is: https://code.google.com/p/romannurik-code/source/browse/misc/scrolltricks

更新:我也只是发现了一个伟大的图书馆,这是否与其他一些伟大的技巧,以及的https:/ /github.com/ksoichiro/Android-ObservableScrollView

UPDATE: I also just discovered a great library that does this, along with some other great tricks https://github.com/ksoichiro/Android-ObservableScrollView