
2023-09-05 02:51:45 作者:放肆小青年

我一直在试图寻找周围的各种.NET类库的一些在那里我可以得到记录在本地机器的用户,无论是连接到域或没有。 到目前为止

I've been trying to look around the various .NET class library's for some where I can get the logged in user of the local machine, either connected to a domain or not. So far

System.Security.Principal.WindowsPrincipal LoggedUser = System.Threading.Thread.CurrentPrincipal as 
// This returns the username


This will return the user's name, however is there any way of getting the session details, something that you would see in AD or user logged in, session duration, etc.. the context of the user, actions such as Workstation locked, the presence of the user basiclly.

如果您有任何想法,这将是更AP preciated。 先谢谢了。

If you have any idea, it would be much appreciated. Thanks in advance.


您可以查询很多数据的Active Directory,您使用的 System.DirectoryServices中命名空间。例如,下面的示例显示了用户的最后一次登录时间。

You can query Active Directory for much of the data that you need through LDAP queries using the System.DirectoryServices namespace. For example, the sample below shows the user's last logon time.


Of course, this only works for domain users.

using System;
using System.Collections.Generic;
using System.Text;
using System.DirectoryServices;

namespace ADMadness
    class Program
        static void Main(string[] args)
            DirectorySearcher search = new DirectorySearcher("LDAP://DC=my,DC=domain,DC=com");
            search.Filter = "(SAMAccountName=MyAccount)";

            SearchResult searchResult = search.FindOne();

            long lastLogonTimeStamp = long.Parse(searchResult.Properties["lastLogonTimeStamp"][0].ToString());
            DateTime lastLogon = DateTime.FromFileTime(lastLogonTimeStamp);

            Console.WriteLine("The user last logged on at {0}.", lastLogon);