
2023-09-05 02:47:24 作者:- 你好少年°


I have this problem when opening drawer on gingerbread and behind is google map v2. Map that should be on screen behind gets on top of everything.


Now I could bypass this by hiding map when drawer opens and show it when closes but I'm looking for more elegant solution if someone came up with any?


有一个与谷歌地图API第2版和黑色空间的错误。也许你已经得到了类似的问题。对于解决方案看这里: https://github.com/jfeinstein10/SlidingMenu/issues/228 和这里: https://github.com/jfeinstein10/SlidingMenu/issues/168

There is a bug with google maps api v2 and black space. Maybe you have got similar problem. For solutions look here: https://github.com/jfeinstein10/SlidingMenu/issues/228 and here: https://github.com/jfeinstein10/SlidingMenu/issues/168


As far as I remember solutions are one of this:

在扩大谷歌地图,并使其重新绘制每个视图更经常 在上面的参数组地图的Z指数为true 把透明的覆盖在谷歌地图查看