
2023-09-05 02:15:42 作者:思念是噬心的痛

我有一大堆的控件在窗体上和他们所有的变事件指向同一个事件处理程序。其中有些是txtInput1的框TextChanged ,chkOption1的的CheckedChanged ,然后cmbStuff1的的SelectedIndexChanged 。这里是事件处理程序:

I have a bunch of controls on a form and all of their "change" events point to the same event handler. Some of these are txtInput1's TextChanged, chkOption1's CheckedChanged, and cmbStuff1's SelectedIndexChanged. Here is the event handler:

private void UpdatePreview(object sender, EventArgs e)
    // TODO: Only proceed if event was fired due to a user's clicking/typing, not a programmatical set
    if (sender.IsSomethingThatTheUserDid) // .IsSomethingThatTheUserDid doesn't work
        txtPreview.Text = "The user has changed one of the options!";


I would like the if statement to only run when a user changes the TextBox text or clicks a checkbox or whatever. I don't want it to happen if the text or checkbox was changed by some other part of the program.



There isn't a built-in mechanism to do this. You can, however, use a flag.

bool updatingUI = false;

private void UpdatePreview(object sender, EventArgs e)
    if (updatingUI) return;

    txtPreview.Text = "The user has changed one of the options!";


Then, when you're updating the UI from your code:

updatingUI = true;

checkBox1.Checked = true;

updatingUI = false;


If you want to over-engineer the solution, you could use something like this:

private void UpdateUI(Action action)
    updatingUI = true;


    updatingUI = false;


    checkBox1.Checked = true;