当集中在Android 4.x的输入元素不能风格元素、风格、Android

2023-09-05 02:06:32 作者:醉酒思红颜



-webkit-user-modify: read-write-plaintext-only;



I am trying to boil this down to a simple example:


I have a simple input element like this:

<input class="myclass" type="text"/>


.myclass, .myclass:focus {
   background-color: black;

这正常工作在Android 2.x和3.x(除已知不尊重的CSS集中输入元素的一些设备)

this works fine on android 2.x and 3.x (except some devices that are known not to respect css on focused input elements)

因为我更新了Nexus S的4.0.3我不能老是让输入字段接受任何样式。

Since I updated a nexus S to 4.0.3 I can`t get the input field to accept any styles.

一些测试显示如下: 该样式实际应用,但由于某些原因,浏览器呈现一个白色矩形在输入,渲染样式没用。使用Weinre我能移动的真正的输入元素,使我能够同时显示。

Some testing revealed the following: The styles are actually applied, but for some reasons the browser renders a white rectangle over the input, rendering styles useless. Using Weinre i was able to move the "real" input element, so that I was able to display both.


Any suggestion on this are very much welcome.


这个问题涉及到了Nexus S,它的表现不佳与ICS /安卓4.问题与PhoneGap的,jQuery Mobile的,煎茶的轰鸣声和震耳欲聋。从视meta标签的无视到MAL-定位z顺序,铬Android浏览器仅仅是一个大问题。

The problem is related to the Nexus S and its poor performance with ICS / Android 4. The roar of problems with Phonegap, jQuery mobile, Sencha and on is deafening. From the ignoring of Viewport meta tags to mal-positioned z-order, The Chromium Android browser is just a massive problem.


Have you tried turning off openGL?


Have you tried separating the pseudo selectors?


It seems that Androids WebView is continually getting worse... which is odd as it "should" be improving. I'm having a ton of trouble myself with scrolling and flickering. A lot of frameworks are actually considering bailing on Android.

链接您可能会感兴趣: 与JQM和(多数)的Nexus S的问题 https://forum.jquery.com/topic/jquerymobile-1-0-does-not-support-android-4-0-ice-cream-sandwich

A link that may interest you: Problems with jQM and (mostly) Nexus S https://forum.jquery.com/topic/jquerymobile-1-0-does-not-support-android-4-0-ice-cream-sandwich


Hope this helps and you are not alone!