
2023-09-05 02:04:32 作者:冷血体质


I'm using Eclipse to develop an app and I have two computers (a desktop and laptop) that I want to use to develop this app. I recently set up my laptop with Eclipse and imported the project over to that computer. However, I realized that I can't launch the application from my laptop onto my phone because the signature that is automatically generated when I build the app from my desktop doesn't match the one that is automatically generated on the laptop; unless I uninstall it on the phone. Does anyone know how to export the automatically generated signature from one Eclipse and import it into another?



The automatically generated key is called the debug key/certificate.


You should generate a new key can just copy it over to both your devices. The only negative of this is your builds process is longer as you need a manual steps.


The other option is to copy over the debug key from one of the systems.

您会发现在Linux和放你的主目录文件夹的名称 .android 键;在Windows用户目录

You will find the keys in a folder names .android in your home directory in Linux & user directory in Windows


Tip: Never loose the certificate once you push an app to the market.