从Android backstack删除一个特定的片段片段、Android、backstack

2023-09-05 01:49:09 作者:只是在那之间徘徊.


For a android tablet application I use 2 fragments. One on the left side on the screen and one on the right side. When you click on a button at the right fragment, another fragment wil be added on the top of the right fragment. This fragment is added to the backstack.

FragmentTransaction ft = getFragmentManager().beginTransaction(); 
ft.add(R.id.fragmentlayout, fragment2);


The backstack is now:

[片段1] - > [片段2]

[fragment 1] -> [fragment 2]


On the left side is also a button that opens a fragment on top of the left fragment (same as fragment2) and adds it to the backstack. The backstack is now

[片段1] - > [片段2] - > [片段3]

[fragment 1] -> [fragment 2] -> [fragment 3]


On fragment 2 is a button to close that fragment.

getFragmentManager().popBackStack("Fragment2", FragmentManager.POP_BACK_STACK_INCLUSIVE);


The problem is when I only want to close [fragment 2], [fragment 3] will also be destroyed. I can remove the fragment manualy by calling

FragmentTransaction ft = getActivity().getSupportFragmentManager().beginTransaction();


But the backstack will remain

[片段1] - > [(鬼)片段2] - > [片段3]

[fragment 1] -> [(ghost) fragment 2] -> [fragment 3]


So you need to press back one time more to close the application.


Is there a way to only remove [fragment 2] from the backstack and leave [fragment 3] on the screen?


您可以简单地让自己的背部栈和覆盖 onBack pressed()和处理它以任何方式,你认为合适的。我不认为有达到预期的行为的任何其他方式。

You could simply make your own back stack and override onBackPressed() and handle it in any fashion you see fit. I don't think there is any other way to achieve the desired behavior.

您自己的背部栈可能仅仅是一个的ArrayList 标记为您的片段。

Your own back stack could simply be an ArrayList of tags for your fragments.