C#VSTO加载 - 转换纯文本电子邮件,HTML加载、文本、电子邮件、VSTO

2023-09-05 01:38:33 作者:浅笑〃掩不了忧伤


We have written a VSTO addin for Outlook 2010/2007.


At one point, our addin must convert plain text emails to HTML from a ribbon control. This causes some strange behavior in Outlook:

我们正在使用的MailItem COM对象 我们设置MailItem.HTMLBody 电子邮件转换为HTML,但由于某些原因,字体为宋体,在10PT


The default font in Outlook is Calibri 11pt, which makes our email conversion look pretty strange to the user. It works as expected when you use the existing button in Outlook to convert to HTML, but not when using our addin's button.


So we tried the following:

设置MailItem.BodyFormat时间提前 在包裹我们的电子邮件文本:&LT;跨度风格='字体大小:11.0pt;字体家庭:宋体,无衬线'&GT;&LT; / SPAN&GT; (我们得到了这个想法从观看一个新的Outlook电子邮件的来源) Set MailItem.BodyFormat ahead of time Wrapped our email text with: <span style='font-size:11.0pt;font-family:"Calibri","sans-serif"'></span> (We got this idea from viewing the source of a new Outlook email)

中包装&LT;跨度&GT; 围绕电子邮件正文标签的工作就改变字体为宋体,但字体大小住在10PT ...

Wrapping the <span> tag around the email body worked as far as changing the font to Calibri, but the font size stayed at 10pt...


Is there a better way to do this? Another workaround?


        if (_mailItem.BodyFormat != OlBodyFormat.olFormatHTML)


_mailItem is a Microsoft.Office.Interop.Outlook.MailItem.



在点击的编程方式通过内置按钮Inspector.CommandBars.ExecuteMso(MessageFormatHtml) 关闭检查,转换消息格式,保存邮件,并重新打开它。