
2023-09-05 01:25:43 作者:冷色系里的一抹暖色调


It's easy to detect when phone calls come in (via phoneStateListener), but what about other notification sounds, such as email or sms?


On some devices, these notification sounds mute but don't pause any currently running mediaPlayer instances, which is annoying for the user. Ideally, I'd like to listen for notifications that play sound, pause playback for the duration, and then resume playback afterwards.


您可以得到通知时,另一个应用程序要通过注册一个回调来播放音频 AudioManager.OnAudioFocusChangeListener 的(这也将处理来电的情况下)。具体来说,你可以看看 AUDIOFOCUS_GAIN AUDIOFOCUS_LOSS AUDIOFOCUS_TRANSIENT_LOSS 。 Android的音乐播放器源具有良好的这个例子。

You can get notified when another app wants to play audio by registering a callback on AudioManager.OnAudioFocusChangeListener (this would also handle the case of an incoming call). Specifically, you can look for AUDIOFOCUS_GAIN, AUDIOFOCUS_LOSS, and AUDIOFOCUS_TRANSIENT_LOSS. The Android music player source has a good example of this.