
2023-09-05 01:12:40 作者:我闺蜜长大后我娶她/我闺蜜长大后我嫁她


Is there a way to open one app from another app in Air? Example: I open app A which contains a button that opens app B when clicked. Suppose both A and B are separated apps that are installed in the device and that this device could be a PlayBook, an Ipad or an Android tablet.




You'd have to go the Air Native Extension(ANE) route. Either create one ANE solution for iOS and Android each, or one ANE that abtracts the functionality into one solution. How to launch app A from app B on Android is not the same as on iOS. See this answer in SO.

要在Android上实现它,你会包装在一个ANE原生Android的Java解决方案。本机的Java code使用的应用程序B的包名从应用程序中的启动应用程序B:

To implement it on Android, you'd wraps the native Android Java solution in a ANE. The native Java code uses the package name of app B to launch app B from app A:

Intent intent = getPackageManager().getLaunchIntentForPackage("com.yourdoman.yourapp");


Here is a video tutorial on how to launch an Activity through an ANE which you can build on to create your ANE. You'd have to tailor the solution to launch by domain instead of Activity.