
2023-09-05 01:02:07 作者:宁缺毋滥


I hope this is not a naive question but is there any way to make an android application that uses a map without the use of google or the internet in general(as in not a google api)?Can a map be download from somewhere and merged offline in the code?I'm thinking in terms like having a street map,but not in your hand in this case.Thank you


看一看 HTTP://$c$

它使用Google地图的OpenStreetMap的替代,并允许离线地图。该API几乎是完全相同的GoogleMaps API。如果你熟悉的GoogleMaps API应该很容易切换。

It uses openstreetmap instead of googlemaps and allows for offline maps. The API is almost identical to the googlemaps api. If you're familiar with googlemaps api it should be very easy to switch..