
2023-09-05 00:58:49 作者:陌路人

我试图用这个code本教程的的入门版微星没有安装它 的,但是当我尝试将加上MSI.DLL到Visual Studio 2010作为参考,我得到这个错误


无法加载文件或程序集MSI.DLL或它的某一个依赖。   该模块应包含一个程序集清单。




从维克斯项目的部署工具基金会(DTF)使用Microsoft.Deployment.WindowsInstaller.dll。 DTF提供托管的包装大部分MSI.DLL的。维克斯还提供了有用的文档。



            使用(数据库DB =新的数据库(MSI))
                返回db.ExecuteScalar(选择`Value`从`Property` WHERE`Property` ='{0}',名称)的字符串;
            使用(数据库DB =新的数据库(MSI,DatabaseOpenMode.Direct))
                db.Execute(更新`Property` SET`Value` ='{0}'这里'Property` ='{1}',值,名称);


 字符串msiVersion = PropertyTable.Get(MyInstall.msi,的ProductVersion);
msi魔法引擎怎么获得 msi魔法引擎获取 活动详情

您可以使用Orca查看MSI表。 MSDN提供了有关属性表文档。 Windows安装在 SQL语法细节也可以在MSDN

I am trying to use this code from the tutorial Getting version from MSI without installing it, but when I try to add the "msi.dll" to Visual Studio 2010 as a reference I get this error.

Could not load file or assembly 'msi.dll' or one of its dependencies. The module was expected to contain an assembly manifest.

This file may not be a managed assembly


Use "Microsoft.Deployment.WindowsInstaller.dll" from the Wix project's Deployment Tools Foundation (DTF). DTF provides a managed wrapper for much of msi.dll. Wix also provides helpful documentation.

Using DTF here is how I accessed the version number of an msi in C#

using Microsoft.Deployment.WindowsInstaller;

namespace Msi.Tables
    public class PropertyTable
        public static string Get(string msi, string name)
            using (Database db = new Database(msi))
                return db.ExecuteScalar("SELECT `Value` FROM `Property` WHERE `Property` = '{0}'", name) as string;
        public static void Set(string msi, string name, string value)
            using (Database db = new Database(msi, DatabaseOpenMode.Direct))
                db.Execute("UPDATE `Property` SET `Value` = '{0}' WHERE `Property` = '{1}'", value, name);

Then from my application

string msiVersion = PropertyTable.Get("MyInstall.msi", "ProductVersion");

You can use Orca to view the msi tables. MSDN provides documentation on the Property Table. The details on SQL syntax for Windows Installer is also available in MSDN