
2023-09-04 13:33:41 作者:笺短情长

我有我的窗体上一个简单的WinForms多行文本框。每当我调整或将其内容开始闪烁疯狂的文本框。这看起来很恶心,甚至可能会引起癫痫发作的一些用户; - )

I have a simple Winforms multiline TextBox on my Form. Whenever I resize or move the TextBox its content starts to flicker madly. That looks very disgusting and might even cause epileptic seizure for some users ;-)


Is there a way to manipulate the redrawing process of the TextBox to get rid of the flickering?


我已经找到了工作液上写的汉斯帕桑特 MSDN论坛。下面code可被添加到形式,将适用于所有子控件,太:

I've found a working solution on the MSDN forums written by Hans Passant. The following code can be added to the form and will work for all child controls, too:

    protected override CreateParams CreateParams {
        get {
            const int WS_EX_COMPOSITED = 0x02000000;
            CreateParams cp = base.CreateParams;
            cp.ExStyle |= WS_EX_COMPOSITED;
            return cp;