
2023-09-04 13:07:10 作者:生活不相信眼泪


I want to attach different string resources files during android ant release and debug builds. I need this to have separate configuration for map api key, remote host etc


我使用Eclipse进行日常调试版本,则Ant的发布版本。我有一个文件持有谷歌地图API密钥的调试和发行版本。我已经修改了的build.xml(我在SDK工具R15)构建之前和之后做了相应的文件的一些复制。我已经改变了 - pre-构建和发布指标,像这样:

I use Eclipse for day to day debug builds, then Ant for release builds. I have debug and release versions of the file holding the Google Maps API key. I've modified the build.xml (I'm on SDK tools R15) to do some copying of the appropriate file before the build and afterwards. I've changed the -pre-build and release targets like so:

    <target name="-pre-build">
        <echo message="In pre build-----------------------------------" />
        <echo message="build target          ${build.target}" />
        <if condition="${build.is.packaging.debug}">
                <echo>Copying debug api key************************************</echo>
                <copy file="${layout.dir}/googlemapdebug.xml" tofile="${layout.dir}/googlemap.xml" overwrite="true" />
                <echo>Copying RELEASE api key************************************</echo>
                <copy file="${layout.dir}/googlemaprelease.xml" tofile="${layout.dir}/googlemap.xml" overwrite="true" />

<target name="release"
            depends="clean, -set-release-mode, -release-obfuscation-check, -package, -release-prompt-for-password, -release-nosign"
        ............. LINES OMITTED
            <!-- Zip aligns the APK -->
            <zipalign-helper in.package="${out.unaligned.file}"
                                       out.package="${out.final.file}" />
            <echo>Release Package: ${out.final.file}</echo>

            <echo>Always copy DEBUG MAPS API file back for Eclipse   **********************</echo>
            <copy file="${layout.dir}/googlemapdebug.xml" tofile="${layout.dir}/googlemap.xml" overwrite="true" />
    <record-build-info />


I define layout.dir in the ant.properties (new name for build.properties post SDK Tools 14) file:



You could adapt this to suit your needs, assuming you don't have too many files to swap in and out. I guess you could add a property for the directory holding your strings.xml