
2023-09-04 13:00:20 作者:祭〆、残惜╮

我写使用WCF NetNamedPipeBinding一个进程间的交际。

I am writing a inter-process comunication using WCF NetNamedPipeBinding.


My goal is to have service running at "net.pipe://localhost/service", so I running the simplest host:

host = new ServiceHost(contract, new Uri[] { "net.pipe://localhost" });
host.AddServiceEndpoint(typeof (IContract),
    new NetNamedPipeBinding(), "service");

据 这个名字是隐藏的系统生成的GUID后面。

According to the name is hidden behind system-generated guid.


有任何可能的方式来获得由系统(GUID)我的程序中生成的名字,这样我就可以得到\设备\ NamedPipe \ GUID的路径,像在procexp,所以这将是更容易嗅出它? (除单独的进程中运行SYS内部可执行文件并分析它的输出?)

Is there any possible way to get the name generated by system (guid) inside my program, so I could get path like "\Device\NamedPipe\GUID", like in the procexp, so it will be easier to sniff it? (Except running sys internals executables in separate process and parsing its output?)



As the article you link to shows, WCF stores the named pipe name in a memory mapped file. To access it, you need to do the following:

  端点:net.pipe://本地主机/ TradeService /服务1   标准化端点:net.pipe:// + / TRADESERVICE /服务1 /   在基地64重新presentation:bmV0LnBpcGU6Ly8rL1RSQURFU0VSVklDRS9TRVJWSUNFMS8 =   在最后的内存映射文件:net.pipe:EbmV0LnBpcGU6Ly8rL1RSQURFU0VSVklDRS9TRVJWSUNFMS8 =    Endpoint: net.pipe://localhost/TradeService/Service1 Normalized Endpoint: net.pipe://+/TRADESERVICE/SERVICE1/ Base 64 representation: bmV0LnBpcGU6Ly8rL1RSQURFU0VSVklDRS9TRVJWSUNFMS8= Final memory mapped file: net.pipe:EbmV0LnBpcGU6Ly8rL1RSQURFU0VSVklDRS9TRVJWSUNFMS8=

现在你把最后的MMF的名字,并打开它。下面是使用货币市场基金MSDN上的一篇文章:的https:/ /

Now you take the final MMF name and open it. Here's an article on using MMFs on MSDN:

// Open the MMF.
using (var mmf = MemoryMappedFile.OpenExisting(namedPipeMMFName))
     // Create an accessor for 16 bytes (Size of GUID) starting at 
     // offset 5 (as the article states)
     using (var accessor = mmf.CreateViewAccessor(5, 16))
         Guid pipeGuid;
         accessor.Read<Guid>(0, out pipeGuid);
         Console.WriteLine("This should be the pipe name: " + pipeGuid);