获得堆栈跟踪在Android NDK库崩溃的最佳方式堆栈、方式、Android、NDK

2023-09-04 12:59:57 作者:"冷心冷血冷感情


In my android app in native library I add signal handler for SIGSEGV, SIGILL etc. And it works, but I don't know how I could obtain stacktrace.


I've tried Unwind* functions but they stops on signal handler. I've tried to fork from signal handler and trace parent over pthread, but it forbidden by rights.

有谁知道这个任务很好的解决方案,无需读取设备的日志? 日Thnx

Does anyone know good solution for this task without reading device log? Thnx


我觉得谷歌Breakpad 正是你所期待的。

I think Google Breakpad is exactly what you are looking for.