将更改应用于mainforms Form.Icon在运行时应用于、mainforms、Icon、Form

2023-09-04 12:08:47 作者:你快滚,趁我没说舍不得


I have a System.Windows.Forms.Form and want to change the Form.Icon at runtime to display a status. I've managed to load the icon from the projects ressources:

Type type = this.GetType();
System.Resources.ResourceManager resources =
    new System.Resources.ResourceManager(type.Namespace + ".Properties.Resources", this.GetType().Assembly);
this.Icon = (System.Drawing.Icon)resources.GetObject(
    type.Namespace + ".Icons." + statusText + ".ico");


But the displayed icon stays the same (design time icon) all the time. Do I have to call a method to tell the Form to apply changes? Something wrong about my usage of Form.Icon?



Ok, Siva and Hans where right: GetObject returned null, because the name of the ressource wasn't right. With the following change it works:

Type type = this.GetType(); 
System.Resources.ResourceManager resources = 
new System.Resources.ResourceManager(type.Namespace + ".Properties.Resources", this.GetType().Assembly);

// here it comes, call GetObject just with the resource name, no namespace and no extension
this.Icon = (System.Drawing.Icon)resources.GetObject(statusText); 


Thanks for all your help.