
2023-09-04 11:41:07 作者:我比钻石还耀眼

我的问题是一个延续 .NET中如何序列化一个时间跨度以XML


I have many DTO objects which pass TimeSpan instances around. Using the hack described in the original post works, but it requires me to repeat the same bulk of code in each and every DTO for each and every TimeSpan property.


So, I came with the following wrapper class, which is XML serializable just fine:

public class TimeSpanWrapper
  [DataMember(Order = 1)]
  public TimeSpan Value { get; set; }

  public static implicit operator TimeSpan?(TimeSpanWrapper o)
    return o == null ? default(TimeSpan?) : o.Value;

  public static implicit operator TimeSpanWrapper(TimeSpan? o)
    return o == null ? null : new TimeSpanWrapper { Value = o.Value };

  public static implicit operator TimeSpan(TimeSpanWrapper o)
    return o == null ? default(TimeSpan) : o.Value;

  public static implicit operator TimeSpanWrapper(TimeSpan o)
    return o == default(TimeSpan) ? null : new TimeSpanWrapper { Value = o };

  [Browsable(false), EditorBrowsable(EditorBrowsableState.Never)]
  public long ValueMilliSeconds
    get { return Value.Ticks / 10000; }
    set { Value = new TimeSpan(value * 10000); }


The problem is that the XML it produces looks like so:





My question is can I both "eat the cake and have it whole"? Meaning, enjoy the described hack without cluttering all the DTOs with the same repetitive code and yet have a natural looking XML?



修改 [的XmlElement(值)] [XMLTEXT] 。然后,如果你序列化是这样的:

Change [XmlElement("Value")] to [XmlText]. Then, if you serialize something like this:

public class TestEntity
    public string Name { get; set; }
    public TimeSpanWrapper Time { get; set; }


You will get XML like this:
