NSIS安装程序使用.NET 4.5安装程序、NSIS、NET

2023-09-04 11:16:13 作者:勇闯寡妇村√

我有些code片段后,我为NSIS检测并有条件地运行.NET 4.5的安装程序

I'm after some code snippets for NSIS to detect and conditionally run the .NET 4.5 installer

这答案 - NSIS安装程序与.NET 4.0 - 太幼稚如检查注册表项(不是值)只有presense 4.0和4.5之间不会歧视

This answer - NSIS Installer with .NET 4.0 - is too naive as checking only the presense of the registry key (not the value) will not discriminate between 4.0 and 4.5


您不应该检查一个确切的版本号。这将在未来的变化(如对于4.0> 4.5的情况下)。相反,使用C $ CS中的$从部署指南。

You shouldn't check for an exact version number. This will change in the future (as was the case for 4.0 > 4.5). Instead use the codes from the deployment guide.

另外,你应该尝试从.net 4.5处理重新启动。

In addition to that you should try to handle the reboot from .Net 4.5.

Function CheckAndInstallDotNet
    ; Magic numbers from http://msdn.microsoft.com/en-us/library/ee942965.aspx
    ReadRegDWORD $0 HKLM "SOFTWARE\Microsoft\NET Framework Setup\NDP\v4\Full" "Release"

    IfErrors NotDetected

    ${If} $0 >= 378389

        DetailPrint "Microsoft .NET Framework 4.5 is installed ($0)"
        DetailPrint "Installing Microsoft .NET Framework 4.5"
        SetDetailsPrint listonly
        ExecWait '"$INSTDIR\Tools\dotNetFx45_Full_setup.exe" /passive /norestart' $0
        ${If} $0 == 3010 
        ${OrIf} $0 == 1641
            DetailPrint "Microsoft .NET Framework 4.5 installer requested reboot"
            SetRebootFlag true
        SetDetailsPrint lastused
        DetailPrint "Microsoft .NET Framework 4.5 installer returned $0"
