
2023-09-04 11:15:26 作者:别说抱歉


Is there a way to resize an image using GPU (graphic card) that is consumable through a .NET application?

我要寻找一个非常高性能的​​方式来调整图像,并听说GPU能比CPU要快得多(使用C#GDI +)。是否有使用GPU来调整,我可以消耗.NET图像称为实现或样品code?

I am looking for an extremely performant way to resize images and have heard that the GPU could do it much quicker than CPU (GDI+ using C#). Are there known implementations or sample code using the GPU to resize images that I could consume in .NET?


你有没有想过使用XNA来调整图片大小? 在这里你可以找到如何使用XNA来的图像保存为PNG / JPEG到一个MemoryStream和以后重新使用位图对象:

Have you thought about using XNA to resize your images? Here you can find out how to use XNA to save image as a png/jpeg to a MemoryStream and later reuse it a Bitmap object:


I will post an example here (taken from the link above) on how you can possibly use XNA.

public static Image Texture2Image(Texture2D texture)
    Image img;
    using (MemoryStream MS = new MemoryStream())
        texture.SaveAsPng(MS, texture.Width, texture.Height);
        //Go To the  beginning of the stream.
        MS.Seek(0, SeekOrigin.Begin);
        //Create the image based on the stream.
        img = Bitmap.FromStream(MS);
    return img;

我也发现了今天,你可以OpenCV的使用GPU /多核CPU。例如,您可以选择使用.NET包装,如 Emgu 并与使用它的Image类操纵你的照片并返回一个.NET Bitmap类:

I also found out today that you can OpenCV to use GPU/multicore CPUs. You can for example choose to use a .NET wrapper such as Emgu and and use its Image class to manipulate with your picture and return a .NET Bitmap class:

public static Bitmap ResizeBitmap(Bitmap sourceBM, int width, int height)
    // Initialize Emgu Image object
    Image<Bgr, Byte> img = new Image<Bgr, Byte>(sourceBM); 

    // Resize using liniear interpolation
    img.Resize(width, height, INTER.CV_INTER_LINEAR);

    // Return .NET Bitmap object
    return img.ToBitmap();