
2023-09-04 10:41:27 作者:跟以前的自己说声再见


I just started looking at the android framework and was wondering what was the best way going about getting good at it. I started with a text game and created a simple bubbleWrap game next. But am not sure if I'm going about it the right way now, so I thought I'd ask some of you more experienced Android people out here. Are there any courses online that would be beneficial? Any books that helped ya'll?




Here I m listing some forums that may help you getting started with Android:

http://www.vogella.de/articles/Android/article html的。除了起步,它也教打造一个Hello World应用程序,演示了如何构建菜单和preferences,一个很好的内容提供商的例子,如何使一个文件浏览器工作。最后,它演示了如何部署应用程序到一个真实的设备。

http://www.vogella.de/articles/Android/article.html . Besides getting started, it also teaches to build a hello world app, demonstrates how to build menus and work with preferences, a nice content provider example and how to make a file browser. At last it demonstrates how to deploy your app onto a real device.

http://marakana.com/forums/android/examples/ 这是我最好的建议之一。一些非常好的演示项目托管网站上。

http://marakana.com/forums/android/examples/ This is one of my best recommendations. Some very nice demo projects are hosted on the site.

http://smartandroidians.blogspot.com/ 尼斯教程由Nithin Warreir。该博客包含了一些code片段,大项目的开发过程中提供帮助。一个可以学习落实Android开发很容易在这里的各种工具。

http://smartandroidians.blogspot.com/ Nice tutorials by Nithin Warreir. The blog contains some code snippets that help during development of big projects. One can learn implementation of various tools of Android development easily here.

http://www.anddev.org/ Anddev论坛pretty的著名对于具有大量在线用户每次。如有任何查询,你可以很容易地在这个论坛发布的问题。等待进来短短几分钟的帮助。

http://www.anddev.org/ Anddev forum is pretty famous for having a large number of online users everytime. For any query you can easily post a question in this forum. Wait for the help that comes in just a few minutes.

http://slideme.org/ 除了官方的市场,这是承载开发者的另一个市场应用程序。对于注册为开发者在官方市场,需要支付$ 25日,这里存在加盟SlideMe,它是免费的优势.. !!

http://slideme.org/ Besides the Official Marketplace, this is another marketplace that hosts developer's applications. For registering as developer in the official marketplace, one needs to pay $25, here lies the advantage of joining SlideMe, it is free..!!

也可以尝试两本书为Android应用开发: Android的2应用开发

Also try two books for Android Application development: Android 2 Application Development

奥莱利Android应用程序   发展和Wrox的专业   Android的2应用开发


OReilly Android Application Development and Wrox Professional Android 2 Application Development


Hope that helps...