
2023-09-04 10:08:12 作者:抓住青春的尾巴


I have a generic interface, that takes in two generic types. I want to decorate all versions returned, but since I don't know the type when calling EnrichWith, it obviously doesn't compile. I've tried using the EnrichWith overload that passes in the context, thinking maybe I could grab the generic types passed in and call Activator.CreateInstance, but the context doesn't have any useful information on it when debugging and inspecting it.


Here's what I have so far. This is my generic interface:

public interface IServiceOperation<in TRequest, out TResponse> where TResponse : ServiceResult, new()
    TResponse PerformService(TRequest validatedRequest);


Here's a sample implementation:

public class SignUpService : IServiceOperation<SignUpRequest, SignUpResult>
    private readonly IUserRepository _userRepo;

    public SignUpService(IUserRepository userRepo)
        _userRepo = userRepo;

    public SignUpResult PerformService(SignUpRequest validatedRequest)
        var user = Mapper.Map<User>(validatedRequest);


        using(var transaction = _userRepo.BeginTransaction())

        return new SignUpResult();


Here is my decorator, that takes in another service as well:

public class ValidateServiceDecorator<TRequest, TResponse> : IServiceOperation<TRequest, TResponse> where TResponse : ServiceResult, new()
    private readonly IServiceOperation<TRequest, TResponse> _serviceOperation;
    private readonly IValidationService _validationService;

    public ValidateServiceDecorator(IServiceOperation<TRequest, TResponse> serviceOperation,
        IValidationService validationService)
        _serviceOperation = serviceOperation;
        _validationService = validationService;

    public TResponse PerformService(TRequest request)
        var response = new TResponse();
        var validationResult = _validationService.Validate(request);

        if (!validationResult.IsValid)
            response.ValidationErrors = validationResult.ValidationErrors;
            return response;

        return _serviceOperation.PerformService(request);


Lastly, here is how far I've gotten on my container. This obviously doesn't compile, but the EnrichWith line shows what I'm trying to achieve:

public class StructureMapServiceScanner : Registry
    public StructureMapServiceScanner()
        Scan(scanner =>
                    scanner.AssemblyContainingType(typeof (IServiceOperation<,>));
                    scanner.ConnectImplementationsToTypesClosing(typeof (IServiceOperation<,>));

        For(typeof (IServiceOperation<,>))
        .EnrichWith((ioc, original) => new ValidateServiceDecorator(original, ioc.GetInstance<IValidationService>()));


And just because this question needed a little more code, here's my test that I'm trying to get to pass:

public class StructureMapServiceScannerSpecs
    public void Test()
        ObjectFactory.Configure(cfg =>
                                        cfg.For<IUserRepository>().Use(new Mock<IUserRepository>().Object);
                                        cfg.For<IValidationService>().Use(new Mock<IValidationService>().Object);

        var service = ObjectFactory.GetInstance<IServiceOperation<SignUpRequest, SignUpResult>>();

        service.ShouldBeType<ValidateServiceDecorator<SignUpRequest, SignUpResult>>();


I feel like this is something that should be simple, and I'm really missing something with how to use StructureMap. I could create type-specific versions for all combinations of Request and Response types, but obviously that's not desirable. So what am I missing?



Was able to figure it out, eventually. I created a RegistrationConvention:

public class ServiceRegistrationConvention : IRegistrationConvention
    public void Process(Type type, Registry registry)
        var interfacesImplemented = type.GetInterfaces();

        foreach (var interfaceImplemented in interfacesImplemented)
            if (interfaceImplemented.IsGenericType && interfaceImplemented.GetGenericTypeDefinition() == typeof(IServiceOperation<,>))
                var genericParameters = interfaceImplemented.GetGenericArguments();
                var closedValidatorType = typeof(ValidateServiceDecorator<,>).MakeGenericType(genericParameters);

                    .EnrichWith((context, original) => Activator.CreateInstance(closedValidatorType, original,