
2023-09-04 09:41:12 作者:甘愿做鱼,七秒记忆。

如何找出,使用C#code,如果我在检查上下文或没有,而不会引起/捕获的发生OverflowException ,随着性能损失招致?

How can I find out, using C# code, if I'm in a checked context or not, without causing/catching an OverflowException, with the performance penalty that incurs?


一个块就是检查之间的唯一区别 VS 选中是编译器为基本价值类型的算术运算产生的IL指令。换言之,存在以下之间没有可观察的区别:

The only difference between a block that is checked vs unchecked are the IL instructions generated by the compiler for basic value type arithmetic operations. In other words, there is no observable difference between the following:

checked {



But lets say that there is an arithmetic operation, such as adding two integers. You would need to get the IL instructions for the method and check if the instructions around your method call are checked, and even that is far from bullet proof. You cannot tell if your custom operation is actually within the checked block, or just surrounded by checked blocks that it is not inside.


Even catching an exception will not work, since you cannot differentiate between these two cases:

checked {
  int a = (Some expression that overflows);

checked {
  int a = (Some expression that overflows);

这大概就是为什么十进制类型不尝试检测检查的一部分 VS 取消选中,而总是抛出发生OverflowException

This is probably part of why the Decimal type does not attempt to detect checked vs unchecked and instead always throws OverflowException.