我如何记录未处理的ASP.NET MVC异常?异常、未处理、NET、ASP

2023-09-04 09:34:09 作者:花自飘零水自流


Here's what I'm trying to do in my Global.asax.vb:

Public Class MvcApplication
    Inherits System.Web.HttpApplication

    Shared Sub RegisterRoutes(ByVal routes As RouteCollection)
        routes.MapRoute( _
            "Error", _
            "error.html", _
            New With {.controller = "Error", _
                      .action = "FriendlyError"} _
        'other routes go here'
    End Sub

    Sub Application_Start()
    End Sub

    Sub Application_Error(ByVal sender As Object, ByVal e As EventArgs)
        'code here logs the unhandled exception and sends an email alert'
    End Sub

End Class


But that Server.Transfer fails:

无效的路径子请求 http://www.example.com/ 的error.html。虚拟路径的预期。

Invalid path for child request 'http://www.example.com/error.html'. A virtual path is expected.


How do I fix this? Or, what's a better way for me to do this?


我刚刚发现这对斯科特Hanselman的博客here所谓 ELMAH 这是一个错误记录器/处理器,您可以使用,而无需改变你的code。你可能想看看它,因为它似乎与MVC很好地工作。

I just found this on Scott Hanselman's blog here called ELMAH which is an Error Logger/Handler that you can use without having to change your code. You might want to look into it, since it seems to work nicely with MVC.