
2023-09-04 09:28:43 作者:遇念



我知道 container.Register(AllTypes ... 温莎但是这并不完全是一回事。它不是完全自动的,这是非常广阔的。





        公共ISomeService SomeService {获得;私定; }

            SomeService =服务;

            container.RegisterType&所述; ISomeService,ServiceImplementation>();
            RootObject rootObject = container.Resolve&其中; RootObject>();

            container.AddComponent&所述; ISomeService,ServiceImplementation>();

            // container.AddComponent&其中; RootObject>();
            RootObject rootObject = container.Resolve&其中; RootObject>();
hashcode Castle Windsor 解析不到我的类型 CSDN问答频道



不过,主干版本可以真正轻松地延长懒洋洋地注册非注册的组件,以支持此方案,因为它们要求。 你必须实施 ILazyComponentLoader 接口,这将需要像5系code。请参阅这里一个例子。

We are evaluating IoC containers for C# projects, and both Unity and Castle.Windsor are standing out. One thing that I like about Unity (NInject and StructureMap also do this) is that types where it is obvious how to construct them do not have to be registered with the IoC Container.

Is there way to do this in Castle.Windsor? Am I being fair to Castle.Windsor to say that it does not do this? Is there a design reason to deliberately not do this, or is it an oversight, or just not seen as important or useful?

I am aware of container.Register(AllTypes... in Windsor but that's not quite the same thing. It's not entirely automatic, and it's very broad.

To illustrate the point, here are two NUnit tests doing the same thing via Unity and Castle.Windsor. The Castle.Windsor one fails. :

namespace SimpleIocDemo
    using NUnit.Framework;
    using Castle.Windsor;
    using Microsoft.Practices.Unity;

    public interface ISomeService
        string DoSomething();

    public class ServiceImplementation : ISomeService
        public string DoSomething()
            return "Hello";

    public class RootObject
        public ISomeService SomeService { get; private set; }

        public RootObject(ISomeService service)
            SomeService = service;

    public class IocTests
        public void UnityResolveTest()
            UnityContainer container = new UnityContainer();
            container.RegisterType<ISomeService, ServiceImplementation>();
            // Root object needs no registration in Unity
            RootObject rootObject = container.Resolve<RootObject>();
            Assert.AreEqual("Hello", rootObject.SomeService.DoSomething());

        public void WindsorResolveTest()
            WindsorContainer container = new WindsorContainer();
            container.AddComponent<ISomeService, ServiceImplementation>();

            // fails with exception "Castle.MicroKernel.ComponentNotFoundException: 
            // No component for supporting the service SimpleIocDemo.RootObject was found"
            // I could add
            // container.AddComponent<RootObject>();
            // but that approach does not scale
            RootObject rootObject = container.Resolve<RootObject>();
            Assert.AreEqual("Hello", rootObject.SomeService.DoSomething());


Windsor does not support this out of the box, and this is a deliberate decision.

However, the trunk version can be really easily extended to support this scenario by lazily registering non-registered components, as they are requested. You'll have to implement ILazyComponentLoader interface, which will take up like 5 lines of code. See here for an example.