
2023-09-04 09:28:02 作者:祗为妳存活


... if I use an IDisposable in a local variable, but do not call Dispose() or use the using() pattern.

public void BadMethod()
    var fs = new FileStream("file.txt", FileMode.Create);
    // no dispose, no using()

就像 规则田是自己支配领域应该是一次性的类型。

Just like the "Types that own disposable fields should be disposable" rule for fields.


Replaced MemoryStream by FileStream, because MemoryStream just allocates memory and doesn't use (unmanaged) resources, so someone could discuss about a mandatory Dispose() call.



Is there an FxCop rule for this? Yes and no.

在FxCop的1.35,这是Visual Studio 2005的code分析是基于,有一个规则,DisposeObjectsBeforeLosingScope这正是这一点做到了。

In FxCop 1.35, which is what Visual Studio 2005 Code Analysis is based on, there was a rule DisposeObjectsBeforeLosingScope which did exactly this.

在FxCop的1.36(Visual Studio 2008的code分析),他们去除了他们的数据流分析引擎,这意味着这条规则也不得不被删除。

In FxCop 1.36 (Visual Studio 2008 Code Analysis), they removed their data flow analysis engine, which meant that this rule also had to be removed.

然而,在接下来的FxCop(的Visual Studio 2010 code分析),似乎DisposeObjectsBeforeLosingScope已经回来了!

However, in the next FxCop (Visual Studio 2010 Code Analysis), it seems that DisposeObjectsBeforeLosingScope has returned!