是否有可能在&QUOT指定.NET服务包; supportedRuntime"在app.config中?有可能、QUOT、NET、config

2023-09-04 09:19:36 作者:╰自恋的美男

我有一个运行良好的。NET 2.0 SP2,但未能在.NET 2.0 RTM正常运行的应用程序。 (供参考:它调用一个方法的托管DLL,它是一个包装了原生的DLL USB编程失败时)

I have an application that runs fine on .Net 2.0 SP2, but fails to run properly on .NET 2.0 RTM. (FYI: It fails when calling a method a managed DLL that is a wrapper for a native DLL for USB programming).


I know you can give supported runtimes in the app.config of a C# .NET application

    <supportedRuntime version="v2.0.5727" />
    <supportedRuntime version="v4.0" />


However, is it also possible to specify a specific Service Pack version?


编辑:我现在发现哪种方法之间的2.0和2.0 SP2失败。它是WaitHandle.WaitOne(INT),将其加入2.0 SP。

I did now find out which method fails between 2.0 and 2.0 SP2. It is WaitHandle.WaitOne(int) which was added in 2.0 SP1.


A tip for everyone else having the problem, the compiler doesn't say anything but if you ngen the executable with the problematic runtime, it does give you the exact error.


Warning: System.MissingMethodException: Method not found: 'Boolean System.Threading.WaitHandle.WaitOne(Int32)'. while resolving 0xa0000e1 - System.Threading.WaitHandle.WaitOne.
11/11/2010 01:54:07 [3620]: Method not found: 'Boolean System.Threading.WaitHandle.WaitOne(Int32)'. while compiling method XXX




Great explanation can be found here on why this is not possible. You can locate a SO response here to address your needs.

&LT; supportedRuntime&GT; 不实际工作的方式,因为3.5框架使用2.0运行时。您只能指定的运行时的那样,不是的框架的,而元素只EX presses preference,没有需求。

<supportedRuntime> doesn't actually work that way, because the 3.5 framework uses the 2.0 runtime. You can only specify runtimes that way, not frameworks, and the element only expresses preference, not demand.