
2023-09-04 08:53:38 作者:小玩意。

我使用的是Facebook的Andr​​oid SDK中。有一个简单的办法让谁下载了应用程序用户的好友?例如,应用程序画点什么实现了这一点。我似乎无法找到关于这个问题的任何信息

I am using the Facebook Android SDK. Is there an easy way to get a user's friends who have downloaded the app? For example, the app Draw Something implements this. I can't seem to find any information on this subject


I would guess that if it was possible, some extra information would be needed in the httppost to access this information.


* 的注意:因为3.14版本,我的/朋友将只返回的朋友也使用该应用程序,所以下面的实现是德precated。看到新的Invitable朋友或Taggable朋友API的替代品。

* Note: since 3.14 version, me/friends will only return friends that also use the app, so below implementation is deprecated. See the new "Invitable Friends" or "Taggable Friends" APIs for alternatives.

使用新的 Facebook的SDK为Android(3.0)是很容易得到用户的好友列表。 以下是code:

Using the new Facebook SDK for Android (3.0) is very easy to get your user's friend list. Following is the code:

private void requestFacebookFriends(Session session) {
            new Request.GraphUserListCallback() {
                public void onCompleted(List<GraphUser> users,
                        Response response) {
                    // TODO: your code for friends here!



private Request createRequest(Session session) {
    Request request = Request.newGraphPathRequest(session, "me/friends", null);

    Set<String> fields = new HashSet<String>();
    String[] requiredFields = new String[] { "id", "name", "picture",
            "installed" };

    Bundle parameters = request.getParameters();
    parameters.putString("fields", TextUtils.join(",", fields));

    return request;


Note that you need to insert the field "installed" in your request. I'm requesting the user picture path with the same request. Check your possibilities here.


Next, you can use above code to create your request and then get your friends:

private void requestMyAppFacebookFriends(Session session) {
    Request friendsRequest = createRequest(session);
    friendsRequest.setCallback(new Request.Callback() {

        public void onCompleted(Response response) {
            List<GraphUser> friends = getResults(response);
            // TODO: your code here


Note that using this generic request, you don't receive a GraphUser list as response. You'll need following code to get the response as GraphUser list:

private List<GraphUser> getResults(Response response) {
    GraphMultiResult multiResult = response
    GraphObjectList<GraphObject> data = multiResult.getData();
    return data.castToListOf(GraphUser.class);


Now you can use your user's friend list, with the information if each of your friends use your Facebook app:

GraphUser user = friends.get(0);
boolean installed = false;
if(user.getProperty("installed") != null)
    installed = (Boolean) user.getProperty("installed");