什么是byte []数组?数组、byte

2023-09-04 08:10:04 作者:傲视人间笑红尘


What is a byte array is in the context of .NET framework?


I am familiar with standard definitions like array and byte and very familiar with electronic engineering concepts such as Byte. But I fail to connect it in terms of computer science concepts. I see it used everywhere, and I use it with out really understanding it deeply.


在.NET中,一个字节基本上是一个数 0 255 (可以重新以8位psented $ P $的数字)。

In .NET, a byte is basically a number from 0 to 255 (the numbers that can be represented by eight bits).

所以,字节数组的数字只是一个数组0 - 255

So, a byte array is just an array of the numbers 0 - 255.

在一个较低的水平,数组是一个连续的内存块和字节数组仅仅是一个重新$内存的8位划分成p $ psentation。

At a lower level, an array is a contiguous block of memory, and a byte array is just a representation of that memory in 8-bit chunks.
