
2023-09-04 08:06:18 作者:嶒經佷羙ら


Wondering which one is the better choice to write unit test cases for android apps and libraries: Using Robolectric library or sticking with Android Testing framework. I want to run test suite at commandline and want it be independent of need of configuring emulator or letting a device attached with build machine. Does anyone of you run a comparative analysis on both of these or something better? Your experiences will be great help me to decide on the better solution.



I use a tiered system, where I prefer earlier tiers where possible:

纯单元测试。我努力使尽可能多的code尽可能完全独立的Andr​​oid的API,然后用它可以在任何JVM上运行纯粹的单元测试。这些测试是最快的,它有助于保持code,有没有必要的Andr​​oid特有的便携性。 Robolectric支持的单元测试。凡我code对Android的API的只有很小的依赖关系,可以通过Robolectric阴影满足,我有Robolectric测试。还有一点更设置时间Robolectric相比于纯粹的测试,但它仍然比开始/模拟器上运行得更快。 在Android框架的测试。凡Robolectric不剪 - 要么是因为阴影是不存在的,或者是因为我大量采用Android的API(因此要测试的真实的东西) - 我写的测试运行模拟器/设备上,与默认的框架。


The point of the tiers is to keep things as simple as possible, which keeps the full suite faster and helps promote cleaner code.