
2023-09-04 07:48:30 作者:满身套路


I want to show a photo series with no gaps in-between the photos, where photos change in a regular interval. I realized Picasso initializes the ImageView before it starts downloading, and it always does that, no matter if I fetch() or not before calling into().


I fetch() to keep the gap between images small and also use .placeholder(R.color.black), but the gap is still visible, even when the image is loaded from memory.


My code looks like this



then with a delay [which is currently fix and which I want to adjust dependent on network speed]



I noticed that fetch() does not support any callback parameters and returns void, so it seems it's not possible for me to know when the cache is warmed.


我可以让别人注意到当图像被缓存? 是否有可能以不同的方式来摆脱图像之间的休息时间,让他们定期出现。

[我知道我可以手动$ C C此$不知何故,但如果毕加索支持的话,我想使用它。]

[I know I could manually code this somehow, but if Picasso supports it, I'd like to use it.]


根据the来源,它看起来像读取不执行任何操作完成后,包括通知任何潜在的听众。不幸的是, FetchAction 不是一个公共类,所以你不能覆盖此功能,无论是。

Based on the source, it looks like fetch does nothing upon completion, including notifying any potential listeners. Unfortunately, FetchAction isn't a public class, so you can't override this functionality either.


You can workaround this problem by using a custom Target subclass, like this:

Picasso.with(getContext()).load(url).into(new Target() {
    @Override public void onBitmapLoaded(Bitmap bitmap, Picasso.LoadedFrom from) {
        // cache is now warmed up
    @Override public void onBitmapFailed(Drawable errorDrawable) { }
    @Override public void onPrepareLoad(Drawable placeHolderDrawable) { }